Hello cyber protectors
Find out more about our cyber security opportunities

Cyber security teams help keep our data and information systems safe and secure.
Thousands of potential cyber threats have to be managed each day
New technology and innovative decommissioning solutions are being developed that need to be protected
A commitment to invest in your personal and professional development

Our approach
Our cyber security strategy is well established. The nature of the threat continues to change and is so prevalent that we are investing heavily in our group-wide cyber services and capabilities to ensure that we become an ever harder target for those who seek to do harm to our businesses or our sites.
We aim to ensure that we can collectively protect ourselves, detect cyber incidents early and have mature response and recovery plans to minimise disruption to our core mission of nuclear decommissioning.
“Protecting our businesses and keeping our information secure is vital to ensure we can decommission the UK’s earliest nuclear sites safely and securely, so we’re invested in developing the cyber pioneers of the future.”
Neil Kendall, NDA Cyber Threat Intelligence and Adversary Simulation Manager
Attracting talent
Our approach to adding, managing and retaining talented cyber security professionals across the NDA group is through the development of our cyber security career pathways.
As a group, we have adopted the Chartered Institute of Information Security Skills Framework enabling us to map cyber roles across our estate, identifying cyber skills gaps and developing training plans to ensure we remain at the very forefront of industry knowledge and innovation. We support development in a number of ways including training, conferences, secondments and supporting a number of other sector activities.
We created the NDA group Cyber Careers Pathway Map to:
- Help an individual understand potential future opportunities across the NDA group.
- Create a common language that is used to aid talent discussions at both local and group levels, and guide individual learning and development.
We’re confident that we can show the full range of potential careers across the group, explain how they map together and, most importantly, allow our cyber colleagues to play a key role in tackling one of the most technical, complex challenges facing the UK today, helping us leave a safer environment for future generations.

Hello to your future colleagues
Current opportunities
We’re delighted that you’re considering a career with the NDA group. Below you’ll see the opportunities that are currently available. When you click on a link you’ll be taken to an application process run by the NDA group company advertising the vacancy.